From: Wolak, Piotr [mailto:Piotr_Wolak@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:31 PM
To: 'kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: Very slow FTP installs
lang en_US
#Language modules to install
langsupport --default=en_US
#System keyboard
keyboard us
#System mouse
mouse --emulthree genericps/2
#Sytem timezone
timezone America/New_York
#Root password
rootpw --iscrypted $1924872978429834028efkshjfwhjf
#Reboot after installation
#Use text mode install
#Install Red Hat Linux instead of upgrade
#Use Web installation
url --url ftp://linuxinst/linux/9/en/i386
#System bootloader configuration
bootloader --location=mbr
#Clear the Master Boot Record
zerombr yes
#Partition clearing information
clearpart --all --initlabel
#Disk partitioning information
part / --fstype ext3 --size 1 --grow --asprimary
part /boot --fstype ext3 --size 100
part swap --size 2048
#System authorization infomation
auth --useshadow --enablemd5 --enablenis --nisdomain cae.bosenet --enablecache
#Network information
network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0
#Firewall configuration
firewall --disabled
#Do not configure XWindows
#Package install information
%packages --resolvedeps
@X Window System
@GNOME Desktop Environment
@KDE Desktop Environment
@Engineering and Scientific
@Graphical Internet
@Text-based Internet
@Sound and Video
@Games and Entertainment
@Authoring and Publishing
@Server Configuration Tools
@Web Server
@Mail Server
@Windows File Server
@DNS Name Server
@FTP Server
@SQL Database Server
@News Server
@Network Servers
@Development Tools
@Kernel Development
@X Software Development
@GNOME Software Development
@KDE Software Development
@Administration Tools
@System Tools
@Printing Support
## Turn on these services
chkconfig --level 2345 snmpd on
## Turn off these services
chkconfig --level 12345 atd off
chkconfig --level 12345 canna off
chkconfig --level 12345 FreeWnn off
chkconfig --level 12345 isdn off
chkconfig --level 12345 pcmcia off
chkconfig --level 12345 rhnsd off
chkconfig --level 12345 sendmail off
chkconfig --level 12345 off
chkconfig --level 12345 rhnsd off
chkconfig --level 12345 rhnsd off
chkconfig --level 12345 rhnsd off
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