> > Hi all! > > Is there a way to get the ethernet-adress of a client when its requesting the ks.cfg-file from a http-server? > > I want to generate the ks.cfg with a cfg-script and the only unique id on my hosts is ethernet-adress. Let's dig a little deeper here... of course it is *possible*. Even with hosts behind proxy servers and different firewalls.. Of course it may take a tiny shell/perl script to do it.. Basically do an ifconfig and grep out the MAC address, then do a wget to your web server with the mac address embedded in the url.. that would tip off your cgi-bin script to crank out a kickstart file with MAC info. Just out of curiosity, what do you need to MAC address for in the kickstart file? James S. Martin, RHCE Contractor Administrative Office of the United States Courts Washington, DC (202) 502-2394