Re: Fedora i18n coordination

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Patrick Barnes wrote:
Yoshihiro Totaka wrote:


Since this list is not listed in

It is now. :-)


and doesn't support localised web browsers

I don't see how this is specifically related to this matter.

Since the list was listed only in
and I believe front page is the page links to
If someone can not access the front page, then s/he probably will not be able find this list.
people finding this list is, I believe, slim. may be more

This list has a different scope, and serves a slightly different role in
i18n.  It is more appropriate for coordinating international website

I believe what we really need to focus now is i18nize a way to
participate in fedora and let fedora's message reach everyone in this
world. To achieve this, we need ambassadors who can be contacted by
local community and set up i18ned (I believe really needs to be build with i18n in mind.)
English guide of joining fedora is already very confusing, i18nizing
this will be hard. We need to make this part of information
modularized and separate from each project. I believe this also helps
English speaking people find out joining information more easily as well.

While i18n can be summarized as a single goal across many projects,
these are smaller projects that must be tackled individually.  While we
build an international community of Ambassadors, we also need to provide
consistent material and a uniform message through community websites. That is one of the primary goals in this list. As we move forward,
these many important aspects of i18n will be dealt with, but we can't
get hung up on each one due to the desire to work on the others.

Yes, I agree with you that consistent message is very important.
However we probably need to share the perception that i18n resource is unfortunately limited. We will have FC5T1 very soon, but I have to wonder how many languages will have proper release notes. We also have documentation project creating very high quality documents such as SELinux FAQ, RPM guide etc etc. Since Fedora embraces many poorly documented breeding edge technologies such as SELinux and Xen, many other distributions' Linux users are relying on Fedora's documentation. We need to focus our translator's resources on these quality documents.

Being said that, what i18n can help fedora project as whole at this level is to keep local talents well informed and help locals involved in projects. Involvement of locals will ultimately result in i18n of the project.

However fedora's way for seeking people to participate has actually been very confusing. Since fedora is a community project and we are looking for community participation, keep community well informed and helping them to involved is one of the key area fedora needs to focus on. Each project writing a guide how to get involved and how we can help on wiki or announcing in the list is not really effective. I believe
could be separate web site or expanded. Each fedora project could have "human resource manager" to write and update "how to get involved", what sort of things they are working on, and what kind of talents or tests they are looking for on the page or site. (This could be part of as well, since this way news and each project will be connected more strongly.)

Setting up information of fedora information for local community
should be handled by local community web site. There are materials in usefull for local community, but not all of them are
necessary. Local people know where informations are, and they are much
better at building local web sites.


We should only compartmentalize as needed.  We need to keep our focus on
providing everything we can through formal websites, relying on local
websites to provide only the local information that the formal sites
cannot.  We must work with the community to present a united front,
bringing a consistent message and appearance to the best of our
abilities.  Avoiding duplication and confusion are important, and
scattering information about needlessly can create problems.  That is
the point here: coordination and focus.

Yes, I agree that coordination and focus is really required here. If i18n of the formal site can be done, I believe that is wonderful thing. If could be translated automatically by google, I think having i18n of formal web site is the right idea. However reality is not like that yet, and we do not have many resources to i18n. Keeping web site translation up-to-date really requires huge resource. We really need to focus our i18n resource here. Could-be-outdated, partly-translated formal web site is not what I want. I am willing to help build formal web site, but I don't think we have enough resource.

To help fedora ambassadors, I believe we could focus our i18n effort on 3 areas. (i.e., Fedora Doc translation, news, and helpwanted.)
Afterall, what could fedora ambassadors do with broken formal web site?
At least, currect local community site is not broken.


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