Since this list is not listed in
and fedoraproject.org doesn't support localised web browsers
people finding this list is, I believe, slim.
http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-i18n-list may be more
I believe what we really need to focus now is i18nize a way to
participate in fedora and let fedora's message reach everyone in this
world. To achieve this, we need ambassadors who can be contacted by
local community and set up i18ned news.fedoraproject.org. (I believe
news.fedoraproject.org really needs to be build with i18n in mind.)
English guide of joining fedora is already very confusing, i18nizing
this will be hard. We need to make this part of information modularized
and separate from each project. I believe this also helps English
speaking people find out joining information more easily as well.
Setting up information of fedora information for local community should
be handled by local community web site. There are materials in
fedoraproject.org usefull for local community, but not all of them are
necessary. Local people know where informations are, and they are much
better at building local web sites.
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
I heard there is a need to set specific agenda to do this better. So
here is my ideas.
* If you speak a language not represented well in Fedora, Introduce
yourself and get involved.
* If you are running a Fedora i18n website. Introduce yourself
* If you speak the language where a Fedora i18n website, already exists,
contact the web administrators, ask them to sign up in this list and
introduce themselves.
Getting everyone running the several different Fedora related community
websites in the same page is the primary goal at this point. We are
looking for ideas on how to coordinate efficiently with the various
community websites. I would like to hear your suggestions and opinions
on this.
Things you can do:
* There is a need for the Fedora related content - website,
documentation, announcements etc to be translated and made available in
as much as languages as possible to reach the widest amount of audience.
* You can also be a Fedora Ambassador for your country or region to
represent or organize Fedora related events, see
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Ambassadors for details.