Re: Cannot find valid baseurl for rpmfusion repo

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Am 30.06.2012 11:20, schrieb n2xssvv.g02gfr12930:
On 06/30/2012 09:11 AM, Andre Speelmans wrote:
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 10:51 PM, n2xssvv.g02gfr12930
<n2xssvv.g02gfr12930@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This is futile, I'm no longer interested in understanding your position,
whatever it maybe.
It might on the other hand be worthwhile to see and understand your
own position.
You are the one thinking Reindl has a problem, while in fact he does
not, something he even points out by telling he is not the OP. I am
not meaning you should stop advising, but when doing so, do try to
keep track of who was actually having problems.

Reindl's question why one would prefer a localrepo, instead of a
localinstall was a quite valid one. Which you do not go into. That I
think exactly like Reindl in this case that this would have no benefit
whatsoever, is what makes me (and probably Reindl too) interested in
the answer to that question. Because if there is a benefit, we would
like to hear it, so we can improve our own knowledge.

So the question was not about bashing, or whatever, but an interest in
what might be the added value of a local repository versus simple
local packages for a one-shot install.

So, please, if you see that benefit, enlighten me, as I would really
like to learn it, if there is one.
(And note: we are talking about a one time install on one machine,
nothing needed to distribute among many.)

I refer you to my previous post, but if you wish to waste your time on this, feel free.

what did you not understand in DO NOT POST HTML on mailing-list
the only one which is wasting time here is you because you
advise people but you are unable to explain what your method
should do different than other ones which makes it appearing
like a blind shot in the dark with no technical reason

you main problem on this thread was beside the tech facts
taht you still refuse to realize who is the OP with whatever
problem and who are other epople (like i was in this thread)

a discussion does not work if one of the ivolved people does
not know to whom he is responding what

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