Re: LXDE is an acceptable substitute for Gnome 2

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On Sun, 2011-09-18 at 06:28 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 18.09.2011 03:03, schrieb Craig White:
> > On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 17:56 -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:
> >> You're right, as far as you go, but that's not all there is to it. 
> >> Unless the developers are only interested in creating something for 
> >> themselves, they need to take the opinions of the end users into account 
> >> at least enough to make sure they're creating something that other 
> >> people will want to use. 
> >
> > ----
> > Is this a habit of yours? (Telling people what they 'need' to do)
> is it a habit of yours? (waiting until enough people use your software
> and then throw it away completly and tell them that you decide what
> they have to like)
> > GNOME is GPL - anyone can fork it 
> and such phrases are the reason why linux on the desktop will never
> become a big thing because there are way too much people out there
> saying "you have to be delevloper or shut up"
> > For the life of me, I don't understand what the griping is about. If
> > you don't like it, don't use it... 
> how old are you that you are believe people with a existing workflow
> can be forced permanently to change their workflow because they
> have no work, no family and so no other things to do?
> > unlike Macintosh or Windows, you do actually get to choose from many 
> > different DM's and are not just limited
> well, epople HAVE choosed and some ignorant people decided
> to kill what they have chossed and you call this fair?
> > to specific choices of eye candy that they allow you to choose from. If
> > you can do better, go ahead.
> poor argumentation
> > As far as I have known, GNOME developers have generally eschewed what
> > other people wanted and made it how they saw things should be. I can't
> > blame them for that for reasons already given. 
> well, with real existing users or have they used imaginary ones?
> > If you feel that blaming them is justified, then you should consider it 
> > apropos for them to be telling you what to do too. 
> and you are telling the whole time users what they have to do
> * switch to another DE
> * fork it
> * shut up
absolutely not - I am pointing out the obvious choices available. I
don't tell anyone what to do.
> > Then again, I use KDE  ;-)
> i too and hopefully more and more people will cry out loud about
> the epic fail of GNOME3 to prevent the same mistakes happening
> in KDE sooner or later (rely on 3D hardware and such crap)
Personally, I find the 'sky is falling' argument a bit tired. It's free
software, it's always created because people have an itch that they want
to scratch and the idea that others that don't have the same itch have a
stake in the process is absurd to the core.

But hey, I think pretty much every argument you made above (which I
purposely didn't engage) was absurd but you are entitled to your opinion
as am I.

I sort of hope that a GNOME-2 fork comes out of the process and I'll
gladly donate the acronym for the project... STUPID (Stupidly Tolerated
User Productivity Interface Denial)

Apparently you weren't around when KDE-4 was released and the 'sky is
falling' people were howling much the same as now.

Some of us are sure that it is way too soon to declare GNOME-3 as an
epic fail.


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