Bill Nottingham wrote:
Quentin Spencer (qspencer@xxxxxxxx) said:
Well, no. I was hoping that the implication of this discussion was that
other subarches, such as pentium4, were also supported.
Any chance it could check cpu capabilities at runtime and DTRT?
Right now, it does do that with the sse2 extensions by putting them in
/usr/lib/sse2. I believe if sse2 is supported, the library loader
automatically puts /usr/lib/sse2 at the top of the path, so even if the
base atlas libs are also installed in /usr/lib, it picks the right ones.
However, when I last checked, this isn't necessarily the case for the
other subarch-specific extensions, such as sse and 3dnow. For those
ones, I also created subdirectories in /usr/lib, but I had to create
custom paths in /etc/ It would be nice if all of these were
supported, but the other ones are a bit dated and less common now
anyway, so it probably doesn't matter too much.
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