Re: Default Browser Voting - and apparent inconsistency with mission statement

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Am 13.08.2016 um 19:27 schrieb Mustafa Muhammad:
"Their mission is to provide high-quality, usable KDE software packages
to Fedora users and developers"

Again, QupZilla is not KDE software

but it has desktop integration

Not everything Qt based is KDE software, and not everything from KDE is
good enough, they just don't make every type of software, Konqueror is
using deprecated component, QtWebkit, nobody can guarantee that
QtWebEngine will continue being supported and improved, will Qt
deprecate it like QtWebKit? Nobody knows.

you make your decisions by things you are *not* knowing?

As for GTK dependencies, they were in the spin before Firefox was added,
for some management tools.

firefox without deps has 133 MB and it has *no* desktop integration, if it would provide useable filedialogs, kwallet integration and so on that *might* be acceptable

I wish Qupzilla developers luck, I thank them for their efforts, but I
believe that without supporting extensions (widely used ones, like
Chrome extensions), this will not go far, rekonq made me hope, they once
stated they will support them, then it all vanished.

I think Fedora KDE spin should aim to be the best OS (it might already
be), not just as a showcase of "only" KDE software


the best operating system for everybody don't exist out of the box and *never* will without customize it and install the software one wants to use - you still don't get the point: a live-OS out-of-the-box needs nothing more than useable default software with best possible integration - not more and not less

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