Re: proposing chromium as default browser (for f25+)

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Am 10.08.2016 um 17:26 schrieb Felix Miata:
Reindl Harald composed on 2016-08-10 12:47 (UTC+0200):

*what* is your exact problem?
nobody is taking "dnf install firefox" away from you

Several problems with changing to either Chrom* or QZ, among them:

i asked for *your* problem

did you see a proposal to remove dnf or firefox?
are you only able to use what is default installed
if you are only able to use the default install - why?

1-Blink is under Google's thumb.

nobody forces you to use anything

2-WebKit is under Apple's thumb.

nobody forces you to use anything

Firefox is more like real FOSS.

in theory yes, in reality not really, Mozilla don't care what users are saying like commerical vendors and if it's just a "give me a 'configure manually' option when you get again and agin'no we decided automagic and won't change that' and it's a GTK application with shitty file dialogs and so on

My primary browser is actually SeaMonkey, but I use FF enough and it's
enough like SM that it's not a problem that part of my role is support,
which I can't do with either Chrom* or QZ without understanding them,
including the full extent of their missing functionality and their very
different common extension sets.

nobody forces you to use anything
you use firefox as i do

Were QZ a QT/Gecko browser it would probably have better potential

what is a QT browser?

when you write these two letters people need to be very careful since you recently accused even the toolkit QT to be owned by Apple while you meant QuickTime which is completly unrealted to any of this topics

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