Re: pagure tickets brainstorming

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On Tue, 2 Feb 2016 16:19:36 +0100
Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 02:27:09PM -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> > * Custom ticket statuses (some projects use this to make statuses
> > that are more descriptive for their project, like "upstream" or
> > "accepted" or whatever. This might require splitting the status of
> > tickets to open or closed 'status' and have a seperate 'resolution'
> > or something.   
> There is a ticket for this:
> but I've been asking what the idea/use-case is for this.

yeah, looking at this I think tags could be used for this. 

Ie, if you wanted to look at closed tickets that are marked 'upstream'
you could use a tag. 
> > * Tagging of issues. Tons of projects use a 'meeting' keyword to
> > mark tickets they want to discuss in meetings. A way to display only
> >   tagged tickets would be good and a bonus would be a irc friendly
> >   meeting output to copy and paste. I see a "Tags:" field, but not
> > how to populate it. Is this in progress?  
> So for each ticket, you can edit the metadata on the right column and
> add/remove tags there.
> Then clicking on the tag will give you the list of tickets with this
> tag. You can also just click on the tag from the tag list shown above
> all the tickets on the page listing them:
> (right next to [open|close])

Excellent. ;) 
> > * A way to cc or bcc a group of people on all tickets in a project.
> > Do we already have this?  
> That's not currently there, I do think people @mentioned in a ticket
> should be added, but it's not there yet. As for batch or CC'ing a
> group, it'd be a second stage.
> I added a ticket to trac the @mention question :


The always cc/bcc thing gets used by a lot of trac's where some group
of people always want to get all traffic. For example, I get all
infrastructure trac ticket changes and it's very handy to keep track of
whats being updated. 

> > * Milestones (but I am not sure how much these are used). Some
> > projects have "Fedora 24 Alpha" "Fedora 24 Beta" type milestones
> > for things to be finished before some event. Perhaps we just want
> > to drop this idea in favor of some kind of deadline listing and
> > emiting a message when the deadline is reached? "This ticket was
> > supposed to be done by now!"  
> So pagure uses tags on ticket for this.
> You would tag the ticket: easyfix, f24
> Then watching the f24 tags you can see a progress bar indicating the
> percentage of tickets close vs open, for example:
> (96 tickets closed, 0 open)
> It misses the concept of dead-line, but I always wondered of the
> applicability of it, what happens when the dead-line is passed? Issue
> shows in red? Are closed? But then doesn't the devs/users know they
> are late?

Yeah, it would of course vary, and perhaps mean you should remove the
f24 tag and add f25. 

> > * Templates. We use these a lot in infrastructure. Basically when
> >   filing a new issue there's a list of templates and when someone
> >   selects one it sets the initial contents and assigned and such.
> > These are handy for making sure users give the needed info for a
> > type of request.   
> There is a ticket requesting this:

> > * Theres a batch modify plugin that lets you modify a bunch of
> > tickets at once. I don't think this is critical, but might be nice
> > to have.   
> Currently not there, but we have an API and we can extend it as
> needed.
> > * Is there a way to completely delete a ticket? Sometimes we have
> > done that on trac for spam tickets.   
> That's already available
> So in summary what is missing is:
> - cc people to a ticket or at least notify them when @mentioning them
> - Custom status
> - Custom templates for issues

Oh, I just thought of one other thing: rss feeds? For issues, prs, etc? 

In fact that could possibly take the place of always cc/bcc (although
rss feeds likely wouldn't have the private/sensitive tickets perhaps). 

Some of our trac instances use rss to update via zodbot to irc. 


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