Hi Everyone, Sorry i missed the meeting Thursday a Xerox guy turned up late then i couldn't get him to leave :( Can everyone look over http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Backup and provide some feedback here so that we can get some traction moving forward. Some issues not covered in the wiki are how each would be implemented. i know rdiff-backup and i assume backuppc would need to be ran by a user who has sufficient privileges on each machine to read whats needed to be backed up. what does this mean? Well in the case of rdiff-backup it could be run centrally as a cron job but the user that gets connected to at the other end needs to be able to read everything or it could be decentralised and run as a cron job for root on each box being backed up. it could then send the data to the backup server as a user with no privileges. bacula avoids this by running a daemon on each host. If there is still people wanting to use bacula I will finish and submit the bacula package I started on for extras so we can get a review of it rolling. If there is demand for backuppc then I can start packaging it or someone else can if they want. But please provide some feedback or I will make a decision myself. Regards Dennis