On Thu, 15 Oct 2009, Jesse Keating wrote:
On Thu, 2009-10-15 at 10:40 -0400, Seth Vidal wrote:
And this is the crux of our problem:
fedora is for latest leading-edge pkgs. It's not easy or reasonable to
have the latest of things AND have a stable interface for them.
So if latest software is fedora's raison d'etre then it sure seems like
fedora is just not for you.
how else do we set reasonable expectations?
I think more to the crux, we're leading-edge in rawhide, but then that
leading-edge flows right into our "stable" releases, as in the stable
releases continue to be 'leading-edge' and change things on users.
If we adopted more of a stance of leading edge on rawhide, stability in
our releases, I think we'd have less grumpy users.
they'd still have to upgrade every 13 months no matter what. It's not like
we've bought them all that much time.
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