Mike McGrath wrote:
I think so yes. I wouldn't mind talking to the rest of the
Infrastructure team at today's meeting if you could attend (and maybe
some other parties on the list) maybe we could just hammer it out
during the meeting. irc.freenode.net - #fedora-meeting at 20:00 UTC.
Here's what we discussed at the meeting. There will be a two part
approval process. 1) the ks script / spin will be submitted to release
engineering for approval. If that's given the thumbs up, the release is
sent to the board for trademark approval. (Though the board could
delegate this process to another party if they wish).
On the back end once we have a spin ready and approved, we'll work on
getting a new site setup at http://spins.fedoraproject.org/ and a new
FAS group with administrative rights to that site. That group will
primarily be the builders, copiers and torrent builders until wevisor or
another automated process can be created.
Please change anything that is incorrect or add information that might
be pertinent. I tried to keep the page simple.
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