Why would you not want to rely on VA Software or SourceForge for anything?
We're quite happy relying on RedHat for Linux distro's. There is quite a
number of
Redhat staff hat have accounts on SourceForge and use it frequently,
that read Slashdot
daily etc etc.
seth vidal wrote:
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 12:34 -0700, Colin Bodell wrote:
Why should it be avoided? SourceForge.net is not open source yet
delivers a tremendous service to the community.
We should focus on capability and community value. You get a no cost,
turnkey, hosted system with admin, backup network that you
can configure the meet the needs of the Fedora community etc. That's not
a bad deal in my book. Compare SourceForge Enterprise
against, say, Savannah (except there is not much of a comparison). I'd
be happy to admin it for the community too :-)
I'll say what I bet a lot of red hat folks don't want to say for
various political reasons.
I, speaking only for myself, am uncomfortable relying on vasoftware or
sourceforge for anything.
It being closed source is just ANOTHER nail in the coffin of using
sourceforge enterprise, imo.
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