Re: Error running 8.0 pkgorder

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Törrönen, Paul-Erik wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Taylor, ForrestX [mailto:forrestx.taylor@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: 29-10-2002 20:05 Subject: Re: Error running 8.0 pkgorder

One more thing. Did you import the gpg-key (rpm --import /usr/share/doc/rpm-4.1/RPM-GPG-KEY)?

Yes, the output of the buildinstall became to long to scroll
so I had the PGP-key installed before I got to the pkgorder
(earlier I used Tony Nugents and do the steps
manually accorfing to his HOW-TO).

I do suspect that the problem lies within the python-classes
imported by the pkgorder. The datastructure has changed in
some of them, causing the error.

Possibly, but it is strange that I do not get these errors.  Here are my 
relevant commands:
genhdlist --withnumbers /redhat/i386
PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/anaconda pkgorder i386/ i386 > pkgfile
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH buildinstall --pkgorder pkgfile --version 8.0 --release 'Psyche 8.0' i386/
splitdistro --fileorder pkgfile --release 'Psyche-Intel 8.0' . i386
genhdlist --withnumbers --fileorder pkgfile /redhat/i386-disc[123]

Did you do a fresh install of 8.0 on the machine that you are building the discs, or did you do an upgrade? Are you trying to build it on a machine not running 8.0?

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