> Is your xfsprogs version up to date? I guess the xfsprogs are rather old but they should be on the same level as the filesystem as they are part oft he same distro (OpenFiler 2.3, package is called xfsprogs=2.6.25-4-0.1). > You could also include another email with the output from xfs_db -c "sb 0" -c "p" /dev/blah Here ist he output of xfs_db: magicnum = 0x58465342 blocksize = 4096 dblocks = 332800000 rblocks = 0 rextents = 0 uuid = 567f4c2f-ce9a-42a3-bbc2-e791cf43f8ae logstart = 268435460 rootino = 128 rbmino = 129 rsumino = 130 rextsize = 1 agblocks = 83200000 agcount = 4 rbmblocks = 0 logblocks = 32768 versionnum = 0xb4a4 sectsize = 512 inodesize = 256 inopblock = 16 fname = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" blocklog = 12 sectlog = 9 inodelog = 8 inopblog = 4 agblklog = 27 rextslog = 0 inprogress = 0 imax_pct = 5 icount = 1079360 ifree = 80 fdblocks = 178779506 frextents = 0 uquotino = 131 gquotino = 132 qflags = 0x77 flags = 0 shared_vn = 0 inoalignmt = 2 unit = 0 width = 0 dirblklog = 0 logsectlog = 0 logsectsize = 0 logsunit = 1 features2 = 0x8 But I have already experimented a little bit, originally versionnum was 0xb4f4 but the next superblock (sb 1) contained 0xb4a4, so I tried to set it with xfs_db to this value, but it didn't make a difference. _______________________________________________ xfs mailing list xfs@xxxxxxxxxxx http://oss.sgi.com/mailman/listinfo/xfs