From: ignotus@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: To: xpert@xxxxxxxxxxx Date: Sat Sep 25 19:42:44 2004 +0200 Organization: I have accepted Provolone into my life! X-Sent: 3 hours, 40 minutes, 36 seconds ago User-Agent: Gnus/5.090018 (Oort Gnus v0.18) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through Obscurity, linux) Hello! I noticed that X no longer sends kp_8 kp_2 ... but kp_up kp_down ... keysyms to Emacs, I thought that it is a numlock issue so I installed numlockx application to turn on my numlock. Unfortunately it fails: ,---- | ignotus agony:~ [1752:1]% numlockx on | X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) | Major opcode of failed request: 148 (XTEST) | Minor opcode of failed request: 2 (X_XTestFakeInput) | Value in failed request: 0x0 | Serial number of failed request: 19 | Current serial number in output stream: 22 | zsh: exit 1 numlockx on `---- (I use my real numlock key for switching keyboard mouse on/off.) I thought the reason of numlockx not working was maybe my xserver being too old (4.2.something), so I upgraded that to 4.3.0 (Debian sid). Numlockx still did not work, but I got a lot more severe problem: control-alt-f1 became control-alt-f13, c-a-f2 became c-a-f14 etc, so now I can't switch to a console or to another x server (only with Linux magic sysrq key). How can I solve these problems? Ps: lists lot of xfree86 newsgroups, I tried and gmane.comp.xfree86.newbie, both seems to be dead for me (~1 year old messages are the newest), so I subscribed to this list. -- ...sutongi tti olleh [0] /join #real_life Cannot join #real_life (invite only) _______________________________________________ XFree86 mailing list XFree86@xxxxxxxxxxx http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86