Ladies and Gents. greetings:
Back in 1999 or so i have contacted Samba team
about Apple violating the GPL of course its about code , programming code .... i
emailed slashDOT if i remember , just for the records .
Now i see their new gadget IPhone dont even have G3
... using my idea of using two separate cursors, u cant see it in their version
because it's touchscreen so no "mouse" but the way u use two fingers to zoom a
picture from both opposed side IS two cursors grabing each Angle of the picture
, u can email me i ll be more than glad to even call u from france and explain
it to you :)
I have anouced this idea back in between 2001 and
2004 and was working for server-express in france/paris, my
mail was djamil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, the
list used to be called xfree86-expert or so i also program in C/++ but never had
the time to participate in Xfree86 .
I am not trying to get ur help to sew them for
money, but if u can for Xfree why not.
I am not trying to get my name somewhere in any
means, but it hurts to see these folks using Our ideas to shine on the desktop
of average users .
If this is "uncalled for" sorry for the
pollution, my intentions arent bad .
Have a great day