Here my storie :
Recently I've moved to Mandrake 9.0, with my *old* radeon 7200, and evrythings was quite fine.
And then my card blow up ( well stop working), so I decide to change it for a Radeon 9000 : bad idea.
X didn't start, because of "no graphic card" !!!!, so I let Drakxconfig do is job, and he find a vesa card, ok, let go
well only 60 Hz at 1280x1024 since I use X mainly to write document, and java program : it hurt my poor eyes.
I've downlowded the lates repository of Xfree and make it ( make World, make isntall), force DrakeX to use a radeon, and then
everything is quit good ( 85Hz @1280X1024), I can work again

well, I havent much time to play with some gl things, but I would like to know, how can I make all gl things to work fine (ie. no 100% cpu usage)
By the way, if someon know, how to make things work fine for radeon 9000 in a more easy way, just tell me, thanks
-- Emmanuel Reyre <> |