i checked the file XF86Config and the log in /var/log/XFree86.0.log (there was one more log XFree80.8.log , although both were same ).The changes i made in the videram are still there but there is no change in the status :(
the file says that it is a pre-release version of xf86config and no support is provided !!
it also says to send scanpci to xfree.org which i m sending now. i m posting one copy to here also.
ps. I have checked both ati and Caldera website but no driver update for my videocard is listed there
Lionel Lecoq <lionel_lecoq@yahoo.com> wrote:
I don't know Caldera so I don't know whether my reply to another post a couple of hours ago would
be relevant for you, you could still look...
A way to attack the problem (your info is a bit concise...) is to get the log (I assume you try to
run X using startx from your console, this is the usual way...)the log should be in
you can look with your editor, it is more convenient.
At the top of the log you should find a mention of the version you are running and the XF86Config
which is being used.
If you are really lost post both.
If you are a bit more courageous check whether XF86Config really contains the changes you made
(nothing like hacking a file and having X use another one, it did happen to me some time ago :^)
PS as far as my scant knowledge of vim goes, you did use it as one should...
PPS for people not used to *nix: cases are important i.e "Ls" is different from "ls" etc... this
has tripped a few beginners
--- shikhawrote:
> thanx for the help.
> but yes i have tried that also but of no avail.. what i did was this..
> 1: i opened the xf86config with vim
> 2: made the chages
> 3: pressed :wq
> may be i m not saving the file properly..
> shikha
> Lionel Lecoqwrote: have you tried to add a videoram line to your
> device section?
> Lionel
> --- shikha wrote:
> >
> > I have problem installing Caldera Openlinux workstation and server (3.1.1)
> >
> >
> > I have a 17 inch Dell E771a dell monitor, 16 mb Rage 128 pro ultra ghraphics card.
> >
> > The problem is that during installation it refuses to accet video card memory of 16384 kb,
> > instead it takes only 256 kb of memory on probing. I have tried to make changes through
> > xf86config and KXConfig ..(i do not know which of them will work ) but even then it does not
> > accept those changes. while running both utilities i found that my monitor and video card were
> > not listed.
> >
> > As a result the system refuses to go on level 5 and listing problem with rc.gui, switches to
> > level 3.
> >
> > Till now i have not seen how a KDE looks. .:(
> >
> > It has been two weeks and i have tried all permutaions of video card options, memory and
> monitor
> > but of no avail...If any of you have faced the same problem and reached some solution then
> > please advice me..
> >
> > thanks in advance..
> >
> > shikha
> >
> >
> >
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Description: scanpci
Description: XFree86.0.log
Description: XF86Config