I've got a motherboard with SiS video, audio, e'net, and modem built in. The video shares main memory. I believe the video is 650, but may be 630. The o/s is Mandrake 8.1. When installing the o/s I answered "no" to test the X config (it always fails to return from the demo screen). Once I start the o/s and login, its fine. Never got the audio to work though. Under 8.2 and Redhat 7.x, the o/s fails to correctly determine the available memory and I get a kernel panic, so I start with "linux mem=192M" and everything works, including the audio. At 02:07 PM 4/16/2002 , you wrote: Has anyone had any luck with getting an SiS 650 to work with X? I tried a few manual configurations but nothing seemed to work. Also, are drivers in development for this chipset, or available anywhere? Thanks. - Andrew