> 1) Does the user running the web process have access to the file using> the path provided?> 2) Did you set the DSN as a System DSN?> 3) Try using a DSN-less connection, namely:> > $dsn = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" + $fullpathtodb;> $con = odbc_connect($dsn,$user,$pass) or die(odbc_error());> > John Ok, it worked fine using the extended connection string you wrote in the example. I wonder if there is a way to connect to a remote database, what i'm doing now is upload the .mdb file to the server and use it as local, but it would be better connect to the remote system. _________________________________________________________________ Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's easy! http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?wx_action=create&wx_url=/friends.aspx&mkt=en-us