Hello All, I am a newbie to this list, so please correct me if I make an ediquete mistake. (It is worth noting that the php4activescript.dll which is in the latest 4.x.x stable zip is not a valid COM dll and will not register) I have registered php5activescript.dll with regsvr32 and all is well when using php as the scripting language within a WSF (Windows Script File). However, I cannot get PHP working as a language for the Windows Script Control when I set the language to "ActivePHP5" or "ActivePHP". When I had ActivePython installed, as an example, there was an accompanying file which registered the ActiveScripting engine for Python within the Windows registry so it was recognized both from simple WSF files, but also the Windows Script Control. I am very excited about enabling the users of my application to use PHP as a scripting language choice, but am being held up by this detail. Please help! Thanks!