As an old brain damged C programmer I have a question about PHP's behaviour when it returns data from a function: How does PHP internally return data from a function? Assume for instance this: $job[JOB_STATUS] = $data[JOB_STATUS]); $job[JOB_ID] = $data[JOB_ID]); $job[JOB_DAY] = $data[JOB_DAY]); $job[JOB_TIME] = $data[JOB_TIME]); $job[JOB_CMD] = $data[JOB_CMD]); return $job; Will PHP internally return the data structure of $job via the heap. i.e. a copy operation, or just a pointer to $job? Or do I need to use reference in order to return a pointer, or even if I uses a reference will php internaly copy data via the heap and then give me a pointerto the copy - scary thought -? -- PHP Windows Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: