I have created a snazzy little PHP widget that creats an actual hard HTML page from a bunch of included pages and saves it as a temp.html file on the server. The app then invokes MS Word's COM object and opens the HTML file, converts it to a Word doc and then creates a link to it. The problem I'm having is a bit odd...I can see that the doc is indeed getting created in the right directory, it opens and displays exactly as expected if I open it from the directory...but the link to the file doesn't open the file...it simply hangs trying to open the doc. Subsequent attempts to open the file using the link results in a page not found error. I have double, triple checked the directory to the file on the server, that checks out okay. The file does exist and opens fine when i navigate to the drive that contains the directory. Does anyone have any possible ideas of why the file wouldn't be opening using a link? COM Related Code: $fileName = "testwrite.html"; $fp = fopen($fileName,"r+")or die("Could not open file"); fwrite($fp,$htmlContent); fclose($fp); $filePath = "D:/public/TatumPartnersQA/testwrite.html"; @$word = new COM("Word.Application") or die("Unable to instanciate Word"); $word->visible = 0; $word->Options->ConfirmConversions = false; $word->Documents->Open($filePath); $word->Documents[1]->SaveAs('D:/public/WordResources/testwrite4.doc'); $word->Documents[1]->Close(); $word->Quit(); $word->Release(); echo "<a href='http://www.tatumpartners.net/public/WordResources/testwrite2.doc' target='_new'>word file</a>"; -- PHP Windows Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php