denseweird number 1 Gallium3d project is not just about Opengl. Gallium3d is not supported by every card and some cards will never be supported. So opengl part will always been required for some people. and are important reads. vmware is doing a lot of work on Gallium3d. Now talking to them would be a wise first step. Ie why develop alone if we could share development with vmware. Thinking vmware and others currently use wined3d to redirect direct x to opengl on windows. So if vmware and others are going to redesign that hello joint project. Its more the issue of resources, stablity and doing deniseweird. Lot of Galllium3d drivers need to mature as well. This swap event thing here will also appear in KMS. Basically its too early to call the way forwards and who will be doing it deniseweird.