On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 16:40 -0600, douglas wrote: > I'll try it Martin though due to me total beginner status I am a > little wary of scripts and the like just now. Also I am trying to find > the Occam's solution to this and while the script may work I was kinda > hoping there was some kind of little nugget of knowledge that made > this just kinda simple. Alas it looks like that is not going to be the > case. > You can't do any damage. It should all just work if you follow this sequence: 1) Create the 'bin' directory. Either use the command 'mkdir bin' in the terminal or click on 'User home' and use the Nautilus file explorer. 2) Start the Text editor, which is in Applications:Accessories. Open .bash_profile and enter the line at the end of the file: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin Save the file and exit the editor. If there is no .bash_profile, add it to the end of .bashrc 3) log out and log in again. This causes the file you just edited to be reloaded. 4) Start the editor. Open a New file, past in my example code. Change the export line if the WINEPREFIX is incorrect and change the wine line so it matches what you usually run. Save the file in bin, giving it an appropriate name. 5) Right click on the script in the Nautilus file explorer, select Properties, select the Permissions tab and click on Execute so it is ticked. 6) Start a terminal and execute the script by typing its name. It should run. If it throws errors, use the editor to correct it. 7) Once its running, you can make a launcher for it: - right click the desktop and select Create Launcher - Put the script or application name in Name - Put the script name in Command - Click OK - A new launcher icon appears on your desktop. 8) Double click the icon and your WINE application should run. Now you've seen how easy this is, get yourself a book on writing shell scripts and try stuff out as you read. Linux shell scripting is *much* more powerful than writing .BAT files and you'll get a lot more out of Linux (and have fun doing it) if you can write shell scripts. I like the O'Reilly books, especially "Linux in a Nutshell". They're generally well written and easy to follow. Martin