On 20/02/2008, Austin English <austinenglish@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:>> Might be under vcrun2008 or vcrun6...I always get those mixed up. I> always mean to make a wiki page with the various dlls and which> winetricks script will retrieve it, but haven't had time/motivation. I tried those as well, no luck. > If that doesn't work, try:> $ mv ~/.wine ~/.wine.old> $ wineprefixcreate What's this? wineprefixcreate? > $ winecfg # set to winxp>> $ wine iexplore.exe http://www.google.com/>> $ sh winetricks vcrun2005> $ wine setup.exe>> Just to try seeing if installing the c runtime library first helps. I'll get on that tomorrow. It's after 02:00 and the baby just startedcrying... thanks... Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.comhttp://gibberish.co.ilא-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת; A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?_______________________________________________wine-users mailing listwine-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx://www.winehq.org/mailman/listinfo/wine-users