On 20/02/2008, Austin English <austinenglish@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Depends on what it wants. This shouldn't be an issue in recent> versions of wine. If it's checking the registry for IE, then it should> work. You can also try running:> $ wine iexplore.exe http://www.google.com/> To install wine-gecko, which provides an IE replacement (some apps use> parts of ie to embed in their programs).>> If that doesn't work, please file a bug at http://bugs.winehq.org. Thank you Austin. It did seem to work, and the installation finishedwith no problems. However, I cannot run the program: ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Sony/Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 8.0$wine VegasMovieStudioPE80.exeerr:module:import_dll Library MSVCR80.dll (which is needed byL"C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Movie Studio Platinum8.0\\vegasmoviestudiope80k.dll") not founderr:module:import_dll Library vegasmoviestudiope80k.dll (which isneeded by L"C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Movie Studio Platinum8.0\\VegasMovieStudioPE80.exe") not founderr:module:import_dll Library vcomp.dll (which is needed byL"C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Movie Studio Platinum8.0\\VegasMovieStudioPE80.exe") not founderr:module:import_dll Library MSVCR80.dll (which is needed byL"C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Movie Studio Platinum8.0\\VegasMovieStudioPE80.exe") not founderr:module:import_dll Library MSVCR80.dll (which is needed byL"C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Movie Studio Platinum8.0\\sfs4rw.dll") not founderr:module:import_dll Library sfs4rw.dll (which is needed byL"C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Movie Studio Platinum8.0\\VegasMovieStudioPE80.exe") not founderr:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization forL"C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Movie Studio Platinum8.0\\VegasMovieStudioPE80.exe" failed, status c0000135 Where can I get the appropriate dll's, and where to put them once Iacquire them? Thanks in advance. Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.comhttp://gibberish.co.ilא-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת; A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?_______________________________________________wine-users mailing listwine-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx://www.winehq.org/mailman/listinfo/wine-users