Re: ACT! 6.0 under Wine

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shane2peru wrote:
Duane Clark wrote:
shane2peru wrote:
here is the error when trying to backup the database:

wine: Call from 0x7b840790 to unimplemented function
msvcrt.dll._mbsspnp, aborting
Have you tried putting a copy of a native Windows msvcrt.dll into your
Wine windows/system32 directory, and configuring Wine to use it? Just
set Wine to use it globally. Almost any msvcrt.dll probably will do.
By this do you mean running winecfg and going to the Library, and
adding that as native?
Yes. Make sure in the "Applications" tab, you select "Default Settings" 
before going to the "Libraries" tab.
If that is what you mean, the answer is yes.  I
have done that there were about 4 different ones that were very
similar.  I also have my windows partition, I can copy of dll's from
there, however I need to know which ones.
Yes, you should copy the one from your Windows partition. Just copy 
plain old msvcrt.dll.
As far as I can tell, the error message above indicates that whatever 
version of msvcrt.dll you were using did not have the function _mbsspnp, 
which the program was apparently expecting. Looking at MSDN, it appears 
this function is rather old (it mentions Win95 compatibility), so I 
would have expected it to be in almost any real Windows msvcrt.dll (but 
it is not in Wine's msvcrt). If you are still getting that particular 
error message, you might want to check again how you have things 
configured with winecfg.
You could always set the environment variable WINEDEBUG=+loaddll, and 
then run ACT. It should show which DLLs it is actually loading.

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