patch move guides (each to there own directory)

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In order to make the documentation easier to maintain and use I want to
separate the guides each into its own directory. Basicly just move them
from where they are to where we want them.

The attached script is meant to assist Alexandre to move the
documentation into the new directorys.  There is no commit at the end
since there are files to be patched as well and I think that Alexandre
would not want it there anyway.

Changelog : Move the guides (Users, Developers and WineLib) to thier own

Files changed: documentation/

Files moved:

From  (wine user)                  To:
documentation/bugs.sgml            documentation/user/bugs.sgml
documentation/configuring.sgml     documentation/user/configuring.sgml
documentation/fonts.sgml           documentation/user/fonts.sgml
documentation/getting.sgml         documentation/user/getting.sgml
documentation/installing.sgml      documentation/user/installing.sgml
documentation/introduction.sgml    documentation/user/introduction.sgml
documentation/printing.sgml        documentation/user/printing.sgml
documentation/registry.sgml        documentation/user/registry.sgml
documentation/running.sgml         documentation/user/running.sgml

From: (wine development)           To:
documentation/architecture.sgml    documentation/development/architecture.sgml
documentation/build.sgml           documentation/development/build.sgml
documentation/compiling.sgml       documentation/development/compiling.sgml
documentation/consoles.sgml        documentation/development/consoles.sgml
documentation/cvs-regression.sgml  documentation/development/cvs-regression.sgml
documentation/debugger.sgml        documentation/development/debugger.sgml
documentation/debugging.sgml       documentation/development/debugging.sgml
documentation/dlls.sgml            documentation/development/dlls.sgml
documentation/documentation.sgml   documentation/development/documentation.sgml
documentation/i18n.sgml            documentation/development/i18n.sgml
documentation/implementation.sgml  documentation/development/implementation.sgml
documentation/multimedia.sgml      documentation/development/multimedia.sgml
documentation/ole.sgml             documentation/development/ole.sgml
documentation/opengl.sgml          documentation/development/opengl.sgml
documentation/patches.sgml         documentation/development/patches.sgml
documentation/porting.sgml         documentation/development/porting.sgml
documentation/testing.sgml         documentation/development/testing.sgml
documentation/tools.sgml           documentation/development/tools.sgml

From: (wine-lib)                   To:
documentation/winelib-bindlls.sgml documentation/winelib/bindlls.sgml
documentation/winelib-intro.sgml   documentation/winelib/intro.sgml
documentation/winelib-mfc.sgml     documentation/winelib/mfc.sgml
documentation/winelib-pkg.sgml     documentation/winelib/pkg.sgml
documentation/winelib-porting.sgml documentation/winelib/porting.sgml
documentation/winelib-toolkit.sgml documentation/winelib/toolkit.sgml


Tony Lambregts

cd $CVSROOT/documetation

mkdir user

mv bugs.sgml         user/bugs.sgml 
mv configuring.sgml  user/configuring.sgml 
mv fonts.sgml        user/fonts.sgml  
mv getting.sgml      user/getting.sgml
mv installing.sgml   user/installing.sgml
mv introduction.sgml user/introduction.sgml
mv printing.sgml     user/printing.sgml
mv registry.sgml     user/registry.sgml
mv running.sgml      user/running.sgml

cd user

cvs add bugs.sgml 
cvs add configuring.sgml 
cvs add fonts.sgml  
cvs add getting.sgml
cvs add installing.sgml
cvs add introduction.sgml
cvs add printing.sgml
cvs add registry.sgml
cvs add running.sgml

cd ..

cvs remove bugs.sgml 
cvs remove configuring.sgml 
cvs remove fonts.sgml  
cvs remove getting.sgml
cvs remove installing.sgml
cvs remove introduction.sgml
cvs remove printing.sgml
cvs remove registry.sgml
cvs remove running.sgml

mkdir development

mv architecture.sgml   development/architecture.sgml
mv build.sgml          development/build.sgml
mv compiling.sgml      development/compiling.sgml
mv consoles.sgml       development/consoles.sgml
mv cvs-regression.sgml development/cvs-regression.sgml
mv debugger.sgml       development/debugger.sgml
mv debugging.sgml      development/debugging.sgml
mv dlls.sgml           development/dlls.sgml
mv documentation.sgml  development/documentation.sgml
mv i18n.sgml           development/i18n.sgml
mv implementation.sgml development/implementation.sgml
mv multimedia.sgml     development/multimedia.sgml
mv ole.sgml            development/ole.sgml
mv opengl.sgml         development/opengl.sgml
mv patches.sgml        development/patches.sgml
mv porting.sgml        development/porting.sgml
mv testing.sgml        development/testing.sgml
mv tools.sgml          development/tools.sgml

cd development

cvs add architecture.sgml
cvs add build.sgml
cvs add compiling.sgml
cvs add consoles.sgml
cvs add cvs-regression.sgml
cvs add debugger.sgml
cvs add debugging.sgml
cvs add dlls.sgml
cvs add documentation.sgml
cvs add i18n.sgml
cvs add implementation.sgml
cvs add multimedia.sgml
cvs add ole.sgml
cvs add opengl.sgml
cvs add patches.sgml
cvs add porting.sgml
cvs add testing.sgml
cvs add tools.sgml

cd ..

cvs remove architecture.sgml
cvs remove build.sgml
cvs remove compiling.sgml
cvs remove consoles.sgml
cvs remove cvs-regression.sgml
cvs remove debugger.sgml
cvs remove debugging.sgml
cvs remove dlls.sgml
cvs remove documentation.sgml
cvs remove i18n.sgml
cvs remove implementation.sgml
cvs remove multimedia.sgml
cvs remove ole.sgml
cvs remove opengl.sgml
cvs remove patches.sgml
cvs remove porting.sgml
cvs remove testing.sgml
cvs remove tools.sgml

mkdir winelib

mv winelib-bindlls.sgml	winelib/bindlls.sgml
mv winelib-intro.sgml   winelib/intro.sgml
mv winelib-mfc.sgml     winelib/mfc.sgml
mv winelib-pkg.sgml     winelib/pkg.sgml
mv winelib-porting.sgml winelib/porting.sgml
mv winelib-toolkit.sgml winelib/toolkit.sgml

cd winelib

cvs add bindlls.sgml
cvs add intro.sgml
cvs add mfc.sgml
cvs add pkg.sgml
cvs add porting.sgml
cvs add toolkit.sgml

cd ..

cvs remove winelib-bindlls.sgml
cvs remove winelib-intro.sgml
cvs remove winelib-mfc.sgml
cvs remove winelib-pkg.sgml
cvs remove winelib-porting.sgml
cvs remove winelib-toolkit.sgml

Index: documentation/wine-doc.sgml
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/documentation/wine-doc.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -u -r1.9 wine-doc.sgml
--- documentation/wine-doc.sgml	5 Dec 2002 19:14:02 -0000	1.9
+++ documentation/wine-doc.sgml	18 Feb 2003 04:52:26 -0000
@@ -5,43 +5,43 @@
 <!-- *** Entities for Wine User Guide *** -->
-<!entity introduction SYSTEM "introduction.sgml">
-<!entity getting SYSTEM "getting.sgml">
-<!entity installing SYSTEM "installing.sgml">
-<!entity configuring SYSTEM "configuring.sgml">
-<!entity registry SYSTEM "registry.sgml">
-<!entity fonts SYSTEM "fonts.sgml">
-<!entity printing SYSTEM "printing.sgml">
-<!entity running SYSTEM "running.sgml">
-<!entity bugs SYSTEM "bugs.sgml">
+<!entity introduction SYSTEM "user/introduction.sgml">
+<!entity getting      SYSTEM "user/getting.sgml">
+<!entity installing   SYSTEM "user/installing.sgml">
+<!entity configuring  SYSTEM "user/configuring.sgml">
+<!entity registry     SYSTEM "user/registry.sgml">
+<!entity fonts        SYSTEM "user/fonts.sgml">
+<!entity printing     SYSTEM "user/printing.sgml">
+<!entity running      SYSTEM "user/running.sgml">
+<!entity bugs         SYSTEM "user/bugs.sgml">
 <!-- *** Entities for Wine Developer Guide *** -->
-<!entity compiling SYSTEM "compiling.sgml">
-<!entity debugging SYSTEM "debugging.sgml">
-<!entity documentation SYSTEM "documentation.sgml">
-<!entity testing SYSTEM "testing.sgml">
-<!entity patches SYSTEM "patches.sgml">
-<!entity i18n SYSTEM "i18n.sgml">
-<!entity porting SYSTEM "porting.sgml">
-<!entity architecture SYSTEM "architecture.sgml">
-<!entity ole SYSTEM "ole.sgml">
-<!entity debugger SYSTEM "debugger.sgml">
-<!entity consoles SYSTEM "consoles.sgml">
-<!entity implementation SYSTEM "implementation.sgml">
-<!entity opengl SYSTEM "opengl.sgml">
-<!entity build SYSTEM "build.sgml">
-<!entity tools SYSTEM "tools.sgml">
-<!entity dlls SYSTEM "dlls.sgml">
-<!entity cvs-regression SYSTEM "cvs-regression.sgml">
-<!entity multimedia SYSTEM "multimedia.sgml">
+<!entity compiling      SYSTEM "development/compiling.sgml">
+<!entity debugging      SYSTEM "development/cdebugging.sgml">
+<!entity documentation  SYSTEM "development/cdocumentation.sgml">
+<!entity testing        SYSTEM "development/ctesting.sgml">
+<!entity patches        SYSTEM "development/cpatches.sgml">
+<!entity i18n           SYSTEM "development/ci18n.sgml">
+<!entity porting        SYSTEM "development/cporting.sgml">
+<!entity architecture   SYSTEM "development/carchitecture.sgml">
+<!entity ole            SYSTEM "development/cole.sgml">
+<!entity debugger       SYSTEM "development/cdebugger.sgml">
+<!entity consoles       SYSTEM "development/cconsoles.sgml">
+<!entity implementation SYSTEM "development/cimplementation.sgml">
+<!entity opengl         SYSTEM "development/copengl.sgml">
+<!entity build          SYSTEM "development/cbuild.sgml">
+<!entity tools          SYSTEM "development/ctools.sgml">
+<!entity dlls           SYSTEM "development/cdlls.sgml">
+<!entity cvs-regression SYSTEM "development/ccvs-regression.sgml">
+<!entity multimedia     SYSTEM development/c"multimedia.sgml">
 <!-- *** Entities for Winelib User Guide *** -->
-<!entity winelib-intro SYSTEM "winelib-intro.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-porting SYSTEM "winelib-porting.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-toolkit SYSTEM "winelib-toolkit.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-mfc SYSTEM "winelib-mfc.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-bindlls SYSTEM "winelib-bindlls.sgml">
-<!entity winelib-packaging SYSTEM "winelib-pkg.sgml">
+<!entity winelib-intro     SYSTEM "winelib/intro.sgml">
+<!entity winelib-porting   SYSTEM "winelib/porting.sgml">
+<!entity winelib-toolkit   SYSTEM "winelib/toolkit.sgml">
+<!entity winelib-mfc       SYSTEM "winelib/mfc.sgml">
+<!entity winelib-bindlls   SYSTEM "winelib/bindlls.sgml">
+<!entity winelib-packaging SYSTEM "winelib/pkg.sgml">
 <!-- *** Entities for Wine Packager Guide *** -->
 <!entity packaging SYSTEM "packaging.sgml">
Index: documentation/wine-user.sgml
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/documentation/wine-user.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -u -r1.2 wine-user.sgml
--- documentation/wine-user.sgml	2 Apr 2001 19:14:41 -0000	1.2
+++ documentation/wine-user.sgml	18 Feb 2003 04:52:27 -0000
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
 <!entity % authors SYSTEM "authors.ent">
-<!entity introduction SYSTEM "introduction.sgml">
-<!entity getting SYSTEM "getting.sgml">
-<!entity installing SYSTEM "installing.sgml">
-<!entity configuring SYSTEM "configuring.sgml">
-<!entity registry SYSTEM "registry.sgml">
-<!entity fonts SYSTEM "fonts.sgml">
-<!entity printing SYSTEM "printing.sgml">
-<!entity running SYSTEM "running.sgml">
-<!entity bugs SYSTEM "bugs.sgml">
+<!entity introduction SYSTEM "user/introduction.sgml">
+<!entity getting      SYSTEM "user/getting.sgml">
+<!entity installing   SYSTEM "user/installing.sgml">
+<!entity configuring  SYSTEM "user/configuring.sgml">
+<!entity registry     SYSTEM "user/registry.sgml">
+<!entity fonts        SYSTEM "user/fonts.sgml">
+<!entity printing     SYSTEM "user/printing.sgml">
+<!entity running      SYSTEM "user/running.sgml">
+<!entity bugs         SYSTEM "user/bugs.sgml">
 <book id="index">
Index: documentation/wine-devel.sgml
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/documentation/wine-devel.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 wine-devel.sgml
--- documentation/wine-devel.sgml	12 Nov 2002 02:16:48 -0000	1.3
+++ documentation/wine-devel.sgml	18 Feb 2003 04:52:27 -0000
@@ -4,25 +4,24 @@
 <!entity % authors SYSTEM "authors.ent">
-<!entity compiling SYSTEM "compiling.sgml">
-<!entity debugging SYSTEM "debugging.sgml">
-<!entity documentation SYSTEM "documentation.sgml">
-<!entity testing SYSTEM "testing.sgml">
-<!entity patches SYSTEM "patches.sgml">
-<!entity i18n SYSTEM "i18n.sgml">
-<!entity porting SYSTEM "porting.sgml">
-<!entity architecture SYSTEM "architecture.sgml">
-<!entity ole SYSTEM "ole.sgml">
-<!entity debugger SYSTEM "debugger.sgml">
-<!entity consoles SYSTEM "consoles.sgml">
-<!entity implementation SYSTEM "implementation.sgml">
-<!entity opengl SYSTEM "opengl.sgml">
-<!entity build SYSTEM "build.sgml">
-<!entity tools SYSTEM "tools.sgml">
-<!entity dlls SYSTEM "dlls.sgml">
-<!entity cvs-regression SYSTEM "cvs-regression.sgml">
-<!entity multimedia SYSTEM "multimedia.sgml">
+<!entity compiling      SYSTEM "development/compiling.sgml">
+<!entity debugging      SYSTEM "development/debugging.sgml">
+<!entity documentation  SYSTEM "development/documentation.sgml">
+<!entity testing        SYSTEM "development/testing.sgml">
+<!entity patches        SYSTEM "development/patches.sgml">
+<!entity i18n           SYSTEM "development/i18n.sgml">
+<!entity porting        SYSTEM "development/porting.sgml">
+<!entity architecture   SYSTEM "development/architecture.sgml">
+<!entity ole            SYSTEM "development/ole.sgml">
+<!entity debugger       SYSTEM "development/debugger.sgml">
+<!entity consoles       SYSTEM "development/consoles.sgml">
+<!entity implementation SYSTEM "development/implementation.sgml">
+<!entity opengl         SYSTEM "development/opengl.sgml">
+<!entity build          SYSTEM "development/build.sgml">
+<!entity tools          SYSTEM "development/tools.sgml">
+<!entity dlls           SYSTEM "development/dlls.sgml">
+<!entity cvs-regression SYSTEM "development/cvs-regression.sgml">
+<!entity multimedia     SYSTEM "development/multimedia.sgml">
 <!entity status SYSTEM "status.sgml">
Index: documentation/winelib-user.sgml
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/documentation/winelib-user.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -u -r1.2 winelib-user.sgml
--- documentation/winelib-user.sgml	24 Jan 2001 19:36:24 -0000	1.2
+++ documentation/winelib-user.sgml	18 Feb 2003 04:52:28 -0000
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 <!entity % authors SYSTEM "authors.ent">
-<!entity intro SYSTEM "winelib-intro.sgml">
-<!entity porting SYSTEM "winelib-porting.sgml">
-<!entity toolkit SYSTEM "winelib-toolkit.sgml">
-<!entity mfc SYSTEM "winelib-mfc.sgml">
-<!entity bindlls SYSTEM "winelib-bindlls.sgml">
-<!entity packaging SYSTEM "winelib-pkg.sgml">
+<!entity intro     SYSTEM "winelib/intro.sgml">
+<!entity porting   SYSTEM "winelib/porting.sgml">
+<!entity toolkit   SYSTEM "winelib/toolkit.sgml">
+<!entity mfc       SYSTEM "winelib/mfc.sgml">
+<!entity bindlls   SYSTEM "winelib/bindlls.sgml">
+<!entity packaging SYSTEM "winelib/pkg.sgml">
Index: documentation/
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/documentation/,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -u -r1.27
--- documentation/	3 Dec 2002 23:35:32 -0000	1.27
+++ documentation/	18 Feb 2003 04:52:29 -0000
@@ -11,43 +11,43 @@
 EXTRASUBDIRS = samples status
-	bugs.sgml \
-	configuring.sgml \
-	fonts.sgml \
-	getting.sgml \
-	installing.sgml \
-	introduction.sgml \
-	printing.sgml \
-	registry.sgml \
-	running.sgml
+	user/bugs.sgml \
+	user/configuring.sgml \
+	user/fonts.sgml \
+	user/getting.sgml \
+	user/installing.sgml \
+	user/introduction.sgml \
+	user/printing.sgml \
+	user/registry.sgml \
+	user/running.sgml
-	architecture.sgml \
-	build.sgml \
-	compiling.sgml \
-	consoles.sgml \
-	cvs-regression.sgml \
-	debugger.sgml \
-	debugging.sgml \
-	dlls.sgml \
-	documentation.sgml \
-	i18n.sgml \
-	implementation.sgml \
-	multimedia.sgml \
-	ole.sgml \
-	opengl.sgml \
-	patches.sgml \
-	porting.sgml \
-	testing.sgml \
-	tools.sgml
+	development/architecture.sgml \
+	development/build.sgml \
+	development/compiling.sgml \
+	development/consoles.sgml \
+	development/cvs-regression.sgml \
+	development/debugger.sgml \
+	development/debugging.sgml \
+	development/dlls.sgml \
+	development/documentation.sgml \
+	development/i18n.sgml \
+	development/implementation.sgml \
+	development/multimedia.sgml \
+	development/ole.sgml \
+	development/opengl.sgml \
+	development/patches.sgml \
+	development/porting.sgml \
+	development/testing.sgml \
+	development/tools.sgml
-	winelib-bindlls.sgml \
-	winelib-intro.sgml \
-	winelib-mfc.sgml \
-	winelib-pkg.sgml \
-	winelib-porting.sgml \
-	winelib-toolkit.sgml
+	winelib/bindlls.sgml \
+	winelib/intro.sgml \
+	winelib/mfc.sgml \
+	winelib/pkg.sgml \
+	winelib/porting.sgml \
+	winelib/toolkit.sgml

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