Collapse calderas Session at the 1st ALVO Congress

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From: "Ivan A. Petrinovic" <ipetrinovic@xxxxxxxxx>


Dear colleagues,

We invite you to submit your contributions to the session â??Collapse
calderas and their associated productsâ?? to the 1st ALVO Congress to be held
at Antofagasta, Chile (3-7 November 2019)

Collapse calderas are the volcanic structures that produce the greatest
volumes of magma on our planet.  In this session we welcome contributions
that analyze the factors that facilitate their formation, including the
structural framework. The contributions may present researches about the
genesis, evolution and physical properties of their magmas and the analysis
of their eruptive styles in relation with the characteristics of the
pyroclastic deposits. Estimations of their associated VEI and risk and
hazards assessments are welcome. We expect contributions from different
points of view, including field geology (analysis of facies architecture
and structural controls), analytical, theoretical and numerical models and
petrological and geophysical aspects. Contributions about pre and post
caldera volcanism are also welcome.

Deadline for abstact submissions is May 3rd, 2019. For more information we
invite you to visit the webpage of the Congress:

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions,

The conveners,

Silvina Guzmán and Iván Petrinovic


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