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S1 – Tectonics of faulting, folding and salt systems
Conveners: Giacomo Corti, Susanne Buiter, Guido Schreurs
Guest speaker: Michelle Cooke
S2 – Surface processes, sedimentary budgets, and interaction with tectonics
Conveners: Daniel García-Castellanos, Stephane Bonnet, Stephane Dominguez
Guest speakers: Liran Goren, Michael P. Lamb
S3 – Volcanic & magmatic processes
Conveners: Adelina Geyer, Gilda Currenti, Arnau Folch
Guest speaker: Janine L. Kavanagh
S4 – Dynamics of the lithosphere
Conveners: Ivone Jimenez-Munt, Francesca Funicello, Benjamin Guillaume
Guest speaker: Ernst Willingshofer
S5 – Rheology & structures regulting from strain heterogeneity & localization
Conveners: Elena Druguet, Albert Griera, Marcel Thielmann
Guest speaker: Bernhard Grasemann
S6 - Geofluids and their influence on deformation
Conveners: Mauro Cacace, Tristan Cornu, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Xavier Guichet
Guest speaker: Yury Podlachikov, Chiara Cornelio
From: Adelina Geyer Traver <ageyertraver@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Extended abstract submission deadline GeoMod2018
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Dear colleague,
The deadline for abstract submission to the GeoMod2018 conference has been extended to the July 1st. Note this is also the early bird registration deadline.
In order to confirm abstract acceptance and its selection as oral or poster communication before July 1st, please, send your abstract in the following days.
Remember the conference will be held in Barcelona from 1st to 4th October.
Abstracts are welcome to the next sessions:
SO – State of the art in Modeling: Methods & Techniques (POSTER SESSION)
Conveners: Frank Zwaan, Maria Roma, Roberto Agrusta
Conveners: Frank Zwaan, Maria Roma, Roberto Agrusta
S1 – Tectonics of faulting, folding and salt systems
Conveners: Giacomo Corti, Susanne Buiter, Guido Schreurs
Guest speaker: Michelle Cooke
S2 – Surface processes, sedimentary budgets, and interaction with tectonics
Conveners: Daniel García-Castellanos, Stephane Bonnet, Stephane Dominguez
Guest speakers: Liran Goren, Michael P. Lamb
S3 – Volcanic & magmatic processes
Conveners: Adelina Geyer, Gilda Currenti, Arnau Folch
Guest speaker: Janine L. Kavanagh
S4 – Dynamics of the lithosphere
Conveners: Ivone Jimenez-Munt, Francesca Funicello, Benjamin Guillaume
Guest speaker: Ernst Willingshofer
S5 – Rheology & structures regulting from strain heterogeneity & localization
Conveners: Elena Druguet, Albert Griera, Marcel Thielmann
Guest speaker: Bernhard Grasemann
S6 - Geofluids and their influence on deformation
Conveners: Mauro Cacace, Tristan Cornu, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Xavier Guichet
Guest speaker: Yury Podlachikov, Chiara Cornelio
More info at: http://www.ub.edu/geomod2018/Abstracts.html
Hope to see you in BCN!
Best regards,
Best regards,
The organisers
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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