From: "Poland, Michael" <mpoland@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: GSA Special Paper on field volcanology in honor of Don Swanson - manuscript solicitation
Dear Colleagues,
Many of you may be aware that in 2016, Don Swanson (USGS - Hawaiian Volcano Observatory) was awarded the Distinguished Geologic Career award from the MGPV division of the Geological Society of America. At the recent GSA annual meeting, a very successful and well-attended special session was held to commemorate Don's award: "Field Geology to Inform Volcanic Processes: A Tribute to the Distinguished Career of Don Swanson."
Based on the interest expressed at the meeting, we plan to propose a GSA Special Paper on the theme of the session -- field volcanology, especially within a region which Don has studied (focusing on the Cascades, Hawaii, and Columbia River Basalts) or that is based upon insights from Don's work (spanning a broad disciplinary spectrum).
As part of the GSA Special Paper proposal, we need to provide a list of potential manuscripts that might be included in the volume. We are therefore soliciting interest from the community. If you would be interested in contributing to the Special Paper, we ask that you please send a tentative title to Mike Poland (mpoland@xxxxxxxx) by December 1, 2016. This will not commit you to submitting an article, of course, but will ensure that you receive future communications about the volume.
We anticipate that the submission deadline for manuscripts would be on or around May 1, 2017. Manuscripts would be available on line and assigned a DOI number as soon as they are accepted, and we expect that the final volume would be ready for publication by the end of 2017.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you and producing a top quality volume that will highlight Don's outstanding impacts on the field.
Best wishes,
The editor team
(Vic Camp - San Diego State University)
(Mike Garcia - University of Hawaii)
(Anita Grunder - Oregon State University)
(Mike Poland - USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory)
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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