VOLCANO: XX Congreso Geológico Argentino, 3 Simposio Volcanes Activos

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From: patricia sruoga <patysruoga@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: XX Congreso Geológico Argentino, 3 Simposio Volcanes Activos

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to call your attention to a special session, IIIº Simposio de Volcanes Activosto be convened at the XX Congreso Geológico Argentino August 7 - 11th, 2017 in Tucumán, Argentina. We cordially invite you to submit an abstract and the deadline is December 20th 2016.  
This session seeks contributions that present geological studies and varied monitoring techniques involving active volcanoes. The aim of the session is to promote discussion on hazard assessment and risk mitigation.  Papers on Andean active volcanoes are particularly welcome.

The session will address the following topics:

- Volcanic stratigraphy
- Geochronology
- Volcanic deposits and processes
- Structural control
- Geochemistry and petrology
- Volcanic seismology
- Volcanic fluid geochemistry (gases & waters)
- Ground deformation
- Remote sensing
- Other geophysical techniques
- Eruptive modeling
- Hazard assessment 
Information regarding the Congress and guidelines pertinent to abstract format, submission and oral/poster presentations are available at the following website: www.congresogeologico.org.ar.  

We look forward to meet you in Tucumán.

Conveners: Alberto Caselli (CONICET-UNRN), Patricia Sruoga (CONICET-SEGEMAR), Manuela Elissondo (SEGEMAR), Mariano Agusto (UBA-CONICET), Sebastián García (SEGEMAR). Contact:volcanesactivos3@xxxxxxxxx


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