CoV9. S2.3 Hazard mapping and assessment
From: Mary Anne Thompson <m.thompson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>CoV9. S2.3 Hazard mapping and assessment
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to submit an abstract to the following session at Cities on Volcanoes 9:
S2.3 | Hazard mapping and assessment: Developing and applying maps to support community and emergency management needs
Convenors: Mary Anne Thompson (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Graham Leonard (GNS Science, New Zealand), Hugo Moreno (Sernageomin, Chile)
Session description: Hazard assessment and hazard maps are a critical part of volcanic risk communication and reduction at active volcanoes. It is challenging to quantify the range of hazards at a volcano and symbolize these in a way that suits a range of needs, especially during a crisis. This session welcomes a wide range of submissions related to existing hazard maps and mapping methodologies; communication approaches to both the visual and message elements of maps; spatial hazard communication in the mobile internet age; experiences from hazard map development and applications in real situations; discussion of collaborative map development processes, and the engagement of public and emergency manager partners.
Please note that this session complements the post-conference workshop W11. State of the Hazard Map 2, where participants will have the opportunity to continue discussion about hazard mapping and assessment in a two-day, interactive, participatory environment.
Cities on Volcanoes 9 will be held in Puerto Varas, Chile on November 20 – 25, 2016.
The abstract submission deadline is 15 July 2015.
Conference website: http://www.citiesonvolcanoes9.com/en/
Detailed programme: http://www.citiesonvolcanoes9.com/fileadmin/documentos/2CIRCULAR_COV9_ENG_20160505.pdf
We look forward to seeing you in Chile.
Kind regards,
Mary Anne (on behalf of the convenors)
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