PhD position in the field of geochemistry and environmental sciences- Earth & Life Institute, UCL
From: Pierre Delmelle <pierre.delmelle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>PhD position in the field of geochemistry and environmental sciences- Earth & Life Institute, UCL
The Earth & Life Institute, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium, invites application for a PhD position in the field of geochemistry and environmental sciences
The project: Controls on weathering fluxes from hydrothermally-active volcanic regions (FluxHyd)
Volcanic rocks represent only 5% of the terrestrial land but through weathering they contribute significantly to the global flux of solutes to the ocean and hence, consumption of atmospheric CO2. Recent
studies highlight the disproportionate contribution to weathering fluxes of volcanic island arc and continental hotspot regions. Potentially important uncertainties remain regarding
the variables which control weathering fluxes in these regions, which are often hydrothermally-active. In turn, these uncertainties prevent accurate estimates of atmospheric CO2 consumption
and production of solutes to the ocean. The objective of the proposed research is to develop a detailed understanding of how (i) runoff variability and (ii) harvest of Si-accumulating
crops influence weathering fluxes from hydrothermally-active island arc and continental hotspot regions. The project involves field sampling in
active volcanic regions and intensive laboratory work. The meteoric and hydrothermal sources and soil processes contributing to and influencing weathering fluxes in these regions will be unraveled by a
unique combination of soil science, geochemical (Ge/Si) and isotopic (Si) techniques and methods. The research will contribute to a more precise assessment of the contribution of hydrothermally-active volcanic
regions to chemical weathering fluxes and atmospheric CO2 consumption. The generated output will benefit a broad scientific community, including geochemists, hydrologists and Earth System modelers.
The institution: The PhD candidate will be based in the Earth & Life Institute at Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. The UCL campus of Louvain-la-Neuve is easily accessible, and
offers a pedestrian, green and secure environment. UCL is a comprehensive university and a research intensive institution. The Earth & Life Institute includes five research poles: Environmental Sciences,
Agronomy, Biodiversity, Earth and Climate, and Applied Microbiology. For further details, please visit: www.uclouvain.be/eli.
Specifics: This is a fully funded 4-year PhD position. The candidate is expected to start as soon as possible after 1st October 2016. The project is funded by the Belgian National Research Council (FNRS, Belgium).
For further information please contact Sophie Opfergelt (sophie.opfergelt@xxxxxxxxxxxx) or Pierre Delmelle (pierre.delmelle@xxxxxxxxxxxx).
Requirements: A 5-year Master-level degree (3 + 2 or 4 + 1) is required. To be eligible, the applicant must have completed his/her Msc. degree not more than 3 years ago at the time of appointment. The candidate
should have a background in geochemistry, soil science, environmental chemistry, earth sciences, or agronomy with excellent qualifications.
Application procedure: To apply, the applicant should send a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, including grade point average, and the contact details of two referees to Sophie Opfergelt (sophie.opfergelt@xxxxxxxxxxxx).
Review of applications will commence 15th May 2016
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