Call for 88° GSI - Session P8 - Tectonics and igneous activity
Dear Colleagues,
Giacomo Corti (Università di Firenze, giacomo.corti@xxxxxxxx), Roberto Isaia (INGV-OV, roberto.isaia@xxxxxxx), Giovanni Leone (ETH Zurich, giovanni.leone@xxxxxxxxxxxx), Michele Lustrino (Università di Roma La Sapienza,michele.lustrino@xxxxxxxxxxx), Stefano Vitale (Università di Napoli Federico II, stefano.vitale@xxxxxxxx)
Keynote speakers: Linda Elkins-Tanton (Arizona State University), Joel Ruch (Università di Roma Tre)
This session aims discussing the current state of knowledge about the interaction between Tectonics and igneous activity in different geodynamic settings, with a focus on mid-plate settings and subduction zones. We invite contributions from a broad range of Earth and planetary scientists, who employ different techniques to assess the various magma-tectonic processes in ancient and recent tectonic settings and the relationships between volcanism and tectonic structures at global, regional or local scale. We are particularly interested in works that investigate these process by using different geological and geophysical techniques (from classic petrological and geochemical analyses to satellite ground deformation data), providing information on different aspects such as the origin of magmatism, the significance of ancient tectonic processes to explain magma composition, the chemical evolution of magma during its migration through the lithosphere, the mutual feedback between tectonics and igneous activity, volcanic eruption locations and styles, etc.
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