UCLA Ion Microprobe Student Workshop
From: Matthew Wielicki <mwielicki@xxxxxxxxx>UCLA Ion Microprobe Student Workshop
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to inform you and your students of the UCLA ion microporobe student workshop to be held February 29th to March 4th, 2016.
The UCLA SIMS laboratory hosts a 5 day workshop on ion microprobe
applications in Earth and Planetary Sciences. The workshop emphasizes
microanalytical geochronology and stable isotope geochemistry with large
radius magnetic sector SIMS. Arrival and departure dates are Feb. 28th and Mar. 5th,
respectively. NSF’s Instrumentation and Facilities program will sponsor
travel, accommodation costs, and course materials for domestic
participants. Graduate students and advanced undergraduates (with
recommendation letter of an academic supervisor) can apply via: http://sims.ess.ucla.edu/. Application will be accepted until January 10, 2016. Thank you for your time. Any questions or comments can be directed to Dr. Matthew Wielicki: mwielicki@xxxxxxxxx
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