New project VolFilm: developing multilingual and multi-platform films for resilience to risks from volcanic hazards
From: Sarah K Brown <Sarah.K.Brown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>New project VolFilm: developing multilingual and multi-platform films for resilience to risks from volcanic hazards
Dear Colleagues
VOLFilm: Multilingual and multi-platform films for resilience to risks from volcanic hazards
would like to draw your attention to this project that has been started
at the University of Bristol in collaboration with a team of
volcanologists and film makers from around the world. This project is
endorsed by IAVCEI and facilitated through the Global Volcano Model. We would welcome your help in provision of footage and information about film use.
The project
will develop films for resilience to risks from volcanic hazards in
areas with no experience of eruptions in living memory. Many volcanoes
erupt infrequently, and communities near such volcanoes can have
increased vulnerability due to their inexperience and poor knowledge of
volcanic hazards and risk. Film is a very effective tool for
communicating knowledge, and two IAVCEI films produced about 20 years
ago have been used successfully among populations, authorities and
volcano observatories for education purposes, probably helping to save
many lives. These have been an excellent resource, but there is now a
need for updated media and use of new communication platforms such as
the internet. VOLFilm will address this need.
Phase 1
of the project involves the development of a film archive and creation
of a small number of short, modular films on volcanic hazards and their
impacts. The modular approach will allow each film to be viewed as a
standalone object, or for combination into longer, bespoke films
appropriate to different volcanoes, situations and needs. These films
will be made available in English, French, Spanish and Indonesian, and
their use will initially be evaluated in the Eastern Caribbean, the
Democratic Republic of Congo and the South Pacific.
Can you help?
would welcome the help of the global volcanology community in the
creation of the film archive. This will be a database of footage,
including information on content, film quality, format, and ownership,
enabling the identification of high quality and visually effective
footage for use in our films. We have somewhat limited funds, so we are
asking wherever possible for donation of film, or reduced rates for
purchase of footage as this project and the films created are
educational and non-commercial.
If you have footage of eruptions, hazards and impacts that you would be willing to share please get in touch. We would also like to know about films that are used in educational settings, observatories or amongst communities. Do please also get in touch if you have any comments or suggestions for the project.
If you have footage of eruptions, hazards and impacts that you would be willing to share please get in touch. We would also like to know about films that are used in educational settings, observatories or amongst communities. Do please also get in touch if you have any comments or suggestions for the project.
Many thanks
Steve Sparks,
Sarah Brown and the VolFilm team (G.Jolly & J.Thomson, GNS Science;
R.Robertson, University of the West Indies; JC Komorowski, IPGP;
K.Karume, Goma Volcano Observatory; E.Garaebiti, Vanuatu Geohazards
Observatory; J.Pallister & C.Driedger, USGS; I.Stewart, Plymouth
University; J.Barclay, University of East Anglia)
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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