Call for evidence and information for global assessment of volcanic hazard and risk
From: Steve Sparks <Steve.Sparks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Call for evidence and information for global assessment of volcanic hazard and risk
IAVCEI and Global Volcano Model (GVM) have been commissioned by UN ISDR to produce a global assessment of volcanic hazard and risk to inform their Global Assessment Report (GAR) for 2015. These reports provide critical information for governments, NGOs, the private sector and international agencies on natural hazards in the context of disaster risk reduction (DRR). Volcanoes have not been considered in previous GAR reports so this is a unique opportunity for the international volcanological community to make a broad global assessment of volcanism in the context of DRR and to present the state-of-the art in volcanic hazards and risk assessment. Volcano Observatories are participating in the study through WOVO and institutions involved are partners in a Global Volcano Model GAR15 task force (see
The background papers for the GAR volcano study are to be submitted by end of April 2014. The GAR15 task force invite the international volcanology community to submit evidence or information that they would like to see included or considered in the GAR15 study. Such evidence or information could be global, regional or local analysis on volcanoes and volcanic hazards, case studies that are through to be illustrative of key issues, good practice or methodologies in hazard and risk assessment, and could simply be key points that you think should be included. Drawing attention to publications with important information in them pertinent to a global assessment would be very helpful.
Although the form of input are not specified conciseness will be appreciated as a huge amount of information will need to be distilled into quite short background papers for the GAR15 study. The products of the GAR15 study will include a general synoptic document for a non-technical readership, a more detailed and technical report which gives the evidence that supports the global assessment, including references to key publications and authoritative web sites, a specialised report on assessment of volcanic ash hazards, and country profiles. Input to any of these products is welcome.
Please contact Sarah Brown (Sarah.K.Brown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) in the first instance.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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