VOLCANO: Volcanic Hazards at EGU 2014

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Volcanic Hazards at EGU 2014
From: Henry Odbert <H.Odbert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear All

The EGU 2014 abstract submission deadline is this Thursday 16 January at 1300 CET.

Please submit volcanic hazards abstracts to one of the following sessions via the EGU website. Links to session details are below.

Best wishes

Henry Odbert
(EGU Volcanic Hazards)

NH2 – Volcanic Hazards

Quantifying Volcanic Hazards
Convener: Antonio Costa | Co-Conveners: Costanza Bonadonna, Simona Scollo


Advances in Volcano short-term Hazard/Risk monitoring (co-organized)
Convener: Henry Odbert | Co-Conveners: Jacopo Selva , Thea Hincks , Willy Aspinall 


Atmospheric Emissions from Volcanoes (co-organized)
Convener: Shona Mackie  | Co-Conveners: Elisa Carboni , stefano corradini


Mechanisms of volcanic unrest and their evolution for hazard and risk management
Convener: Joachim Gottsmann  | Co-Conveners: Laura Sandri , Bettina Scheu , Carlos Valdez


Quantitative and multi-disciplinary volcanology: The next generation (co-sponsored by NEMOH) (co-organized)
Convener: Magnus Gudmundsson  | Co-Conveners: Katharine Cashman , I. Lokmer , Ulrich Kueppers

The European contribution to the GEO Supersite initiative (co-organized)
Convener: Giuseppe Puglisi  | Co-Conveners: Freysteinn Sigmundsson , Nurcan Meral OZel

Volcanic processes: Tectonics, Deformation, Geodesy (co-organized)
Convener: Valerio Acocella  | Co-Conveners: Agust Gudmundsson , Sigurjon Jonsson , Thomas R. Walter , Giuseppe Puglisi

Workshop: Operational Techniques in Volcanic Hazard Assessment
Sponsored by EGU, Supported by IAVCEI CoSiV, CoVHR and vHub
24-25 April 2014, Vienna (just before EGU General Assembly week)
For information and registration details, see http://bet.bo.ingv.it/OTVHA2014/


Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).

ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/

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