SSA 2014. Tracking Fluid Movement in Volcanic Systems
From: David Fee <dfee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>SSA 2014. Tracking Fluid Movement in Volcanic Systems
We invite you to submit an abstract to the session "Tracking Fluid Movement in Volcanic Systems" at the Seismological Society of America meeting to be held in Anchorage, Alaska (http://www.seismosoc.org/meetings/2014/). The meeting will take place 30 April - 2 May 2014, and more information on the session can be found below.
Abstracts are due 10 January 2014.
Tracking Fluid Movement in Volcanic Systems
Seismology has long been the primary means through which to study and monitor the movement of magma and other fluids in active volcanic systems. However, despite decades of seismic monitoring at volcanoes, the ascent of magma and the circulation of fluids within volcanic systems, and how these phenomena are reflected in geophysical signals, remain poorly understood. In recent decades, improvements in instrumentation and processing techniques have led to the development of additional geophysical tools capable of tracking fluid movement, including infrasound, high-rate GPS, InSAR and gravity. These tools, often used in concert with seismological techniques, have brought forth many new insights that were previously unknown. We seek submissions highlighting interdisciplinary geophysical monitoring and study of fluid movement in active volcanoes and geothermal systems. We encourage contributions that emphasize advances in numerical modeling, feature new instrumentation or analytic
al methods, and/or provide new insights into the physical processes controlling fluid movement.
Session Chairs: John Lyons, Helena Buurman, Diana Roman, David Fee
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