Six new Research Professor positions in Geophysics at UNAM
From: denis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxSix new Research Professor positions in Geophysics at UNAM
Six new Research Professor positions in Geophysics at UNAM
The Institute of Geophysics at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
(UNAM), with campuses in Mexico City and Morelia, Michoacán, is looking
for candidates to fill up to six new entry-level, tenure-track Research
Professor positions (Investigador Asociado C). UNAM is the largest
university in Mexico, and one of the highest ranked in Latin America. The
Institute of Geophysics employs around 130 Research Professors and hosts
the National Seismological, Mareographic and Magnetic Services.
Preference will be given to strong candidates in the current focus fields
of the Institute: Geodesy, Geothermal fields, Marine geophysics, Solar
Radiation, and Geomagnetism, but excellent candidates that would
complement the existing strengths in Seismology, Volcanology, Natural
Resources, Exploration Geophysics and Space Physics are also encouraged to
apply. The successful candidates are expected to develop their own
research program, teach 1-2 classes a year and supervise students on the
Bachelors, Masters and PhD level. Proficiency in Spanish at the time of
appointment is an advantage, but not necessary. Most of the vacant
positions have an age restriction of less than 39 years for women and 37
for men, at the time of appointment. Salary will be according to the rules
for government employees in Mexico and the university, but traditionally
salaries are complemented with substantial performance based stimulus from
both the university and the Mexican National Science and Technology
Council (Conacyt).
Applications should be submitted to plazas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, with the
subject “plazas 2014”, and should include a curriculum vitae, brief
statement of research plans, and a summary of the applicant’s most
important research achievements. Please also provide the names, email
addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references, whose
letters may be requested by the Institute. Review of applications will
begin January 6th, 2014, and will continue until the positions are filled.
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