DUST conference 2014
From: roberto.sulpizio@xxxxxxxxDUST conference 2014
Dear Collegue,
we would like to draw your attention to the International Conference on Atmospheric Dust (DUST 2014), to be held in Castellaneta Marina (Taranto, southern Italy) in June 1-6, 2014 (http://www.dust2014.org).
The online abstract submission closes on December 20, 2013.
In particular, we promote the session HE12 - DISPERSAL OF VOLCANIC ASH IN THE ATMOSPHERE:
Volcanic ash is the result of intense magmatic or phreatomagmatic fragmentation during explosive volcanic eruptions. After injection into the atmosphere, the ash is dispersed as convective columns and umbrella clouds, which are subject to the combined effects of gravity and wind speed, or are transported close to the ground as pyroclastic density currents. The injection of ash into the atmosphere can cause damage to aircraft or can impact public health. Ash leachates can result in pollution of water resources, damage to agriculture and forest, affect pasture and livestock health, impinge on aquatic ecosystems and alter the geochemical environment of the seafloor. This implies that the full address of the distal ash hazards from active volcanoes urges for preventing crises in human communities, which are underpinned and increasingly dependent on multiple layers of interconnected infrastructure.
The session welcomes both oral and poster presentations about volcanic ash production, dispersal and impact evaluation over territory and infrastructure. Studies based on field, laboratory and numerical models fit the aim of the proposed session.
Piero Dellino, University of Bari - Aldo Moro, IT, pierfrancesco.dellino@xxxxxxxx
Roberto Sulpizio, University of Bari - Aldo Moro, IT, roberto.sulpizio@xxxxxxxx
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