VOLCANO: EGU 2014. Granular processes in geophysical flows: results from field, laboratory and numerical studies

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EGU 2014. Granular processes in geophysical flows: results from field, laboratory and numerical studies
From: Anne Mangeney <mangeney@xxxxxxx>

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to present a paper in the EGU 2014 session SSP3.1.4:

Granular processes in geophysical flows: results from field, laboratory and numerical studies.

Conveners: Maxime Farin, Kasper van der Vaart, Anne Mangeney, and Olivier Roche
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, 29 April - 02 May 2014, Vienna.

The abstract submission deadline is 16 January 2014, 13:00 CET. To submit an abstract please check http://www.egu2014.eu/abstract_management/how_to_submit_an_abstract.html
In case you would like to apply for financial support, please submit an application no later than 29 November 2013. More information on: http://www.egu2014.eu/support_and_distinction.html

This session aims to explore the processes of erosion, transport, segregation, sedimentation and deposition within flowing granular media such as debris flows, snow and debris avalanches, pyroclastic flows and landslides.

The dynamics of particulate geophysical flows are strongly affected by the addition or loss of mass through erosion and deposition of granular material. During transport, sorting of grain sizes, shapes and densities by particle segregation modifies the flow behaviour and results in patterns observed in many geophysical flows. These processes are highly dependent on flow parameters (viscosity, density, pore fluid pressure or temperature) and may lead to a rich variety of complex depositional structures in granular geophysical flows.

Measurements in the field are indispensable for examining geophysical flows and provide information about their real-life dynamics. Despite the large number of different in-situ measurement campaigns aiming to quantify the aspects of these flows, the task remains difficult due to hazards in the areas of study. Another issue with field measurements is that they can be very specific to the measurement site. In addition, the number of natural variables and parameters is often large and difficult to control or accurately measure. 

For these reasons, analogous laboratory experiments and numerical studies are also important. Not only do they allow the study of complex flows with reduced risk to the researcher, but they allow parameters and variables to be investigated in a controlled environment, greatly increasing the reliability of data. Simple models built “bottom up” from idealized experiments and numerical studies may be compared with results obtained from the field, in a collaborative effort of experimentalists, numericists, theoreticians and field researchers.

For this session we invite contributions from experimental, numerical and field investigations examining erosion, transport, segregation, sedimentation and deposition processes within particulate geophysical flows and their resulting deposits. This session aims to showcase a wide range of studies in order to better understand the complex and fascinating behaviour of geophysical flows and the underlying granular processes.

Best regards,


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