VUELCO workshop Nov 7-8, 2013
From: Jo Gottsmann <J.Gottsmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>VUELCO workshop Nov 7-8, 2013
Dear Colleagues,
on behalf of the VUELCO consortium I cordially invite you to attend the
2nd VUELCO WORKSHOP entitled
“Scientific advice, decision-making, risk communication”
which will be held on Nov. 7 - 8, 2013 in Rome (Italy).
This is a workshop open for participation by anyone interested in the topic and is organized by the Italian Department of Civil Protection. The workshop is held in the context of the European Commission funded project VUELCO, and represents a follow-up to a workshop held in Colima (Mexico) in November 2012.
on behalf of the VUELCO consortium I cordially invite you to attend the
2nd VUELCO WORKSHOP entitled
“Scientific advice, decision-making, risk communication”
which will be held on Nov. 7 - 8, 2013 in Rome (Italy).
This is a workshop open for participation by anyone interested in the topic and is organized by the Italian Department of Civil Protection. The workshop is held in the context of the European Commission funded project VUELCO, and represents a follow-up to a workshop held in Colima (Mexico) in November 2012.
The workshop in
Rome will focus on the interaction and communication among scientists,
decision-makers and populations, as well as on the processes of
decision-making during volcanic unrest.
The goals of the workshop are to make an important contribution to the hot topic of volcanic crisis management, to offer an opportunity to learn about how crises are managed in different parts pf the world, to share experiences and to delineate a set of “best-practices” for volcanic unrest management and crisis governance.
Further details on the workshop as well the registration procedure can be found at www.vuelco.net
We are looking forward to seeing you in Rome.
With best wishes J. Gottsmann
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
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