VOBP2 - Volcano Observatory Best Practice Workshop on Communicating Hazards
From: Alessandro Fornaciai <fornaciai@xxxxxxxxxx>VOBP2 - Volcano Observatory Best Practice Workshop on Communicating Hazards
Dear colleague,
this is to let you know of the 2nd Volcano Observatory Best Practice (VOBP) workshop, focussed on “Communicating Hazards”, that will be held in Erice (Sicily) on next 2-6 November. You can find any information at http://istituto.ingv.it/l-ingv/convegni-e-seminari/archivio-congressi/convegni-2013/vobp2-workshop/view. Please have a look at the circular, which illustrates the principles and objectives of the workshop. We shall add soon a detailed meeting programme.
This workshop is the second one of the VOBP series. The first one, conceived and supported by INGV and USGS, was still held in Erice on the theme of “Short-Term Eruption Forecasting”. The general aim of VOBP workshops is that of gathering mainly representatives from volcano observatories from all over the world to discuss aspects of the observatory activities and work towards the definition of a widely shared international reference frame for their practical management. VOBP workshops are organized through a series of presentations the scope of which is mainly that of triggering a discussion, this representing the core of the meetings. A large time is in fact dedicated to discussions, so that all participants, either presenting or not, have the same opportunities to impact on the workshop outcomes.
As the capacity of Erice is limited, we shall host around 100 participants. In case of exceedingly number of registrations, the Steering Committee will be forced to make a selection. That will take into account the need of hosting 1) as many observatory representatives as possible, 2) as many other qualified volcano research centres as possible, and 3) an about 15% representation of young scientists so to ensure continuity with next generations.
Best Regards
Paolo Papale
Director of the Department of Volcanoes
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Via Della Faggiola, 32
56126 Pisa, Italy
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