From: Jose Viramonte <viramont@xxxxxxxxxxx>2013 INTERNAQTIONAL FORO DE PELIGROS VOLCANICOS -LIMA PERU - 13-16 OCTOBER 2013
On behalf of the Peruvian Instituto Geologico, Minero y Metalurgico ( INGEMET) , we are pleased to announce the 2013 INTERNATIONAL “FORO DE PELIGROS VOLCANICOS: Volcanoes, earthquakes and land slices” This activity is endorsed by OBSERVATORIO VULCANOLOGICO INGEMET ( OVI) and sponsored by Asociacion Latinoamericana de Volcanologia (ALVO)
The “Foro” will be held in Lima, Perú 13-16 October 2013. In the frame of this event will take place an International “Curso de Mapas de Peligros Volcánicos” given by Prof. Dr. Hugo Delgado Granados.
Target: Graduate and Ph.D. students, Post-docs and young researchers in Volcanology
Rationale: General Concepts, different types of volcanic hazards and maps, different methodologies, Hazards map uses, etc. The Course aims at presenting the most recent achievements of current research and to show the variety of approaches as well as interpretations, promoting the open discussion among researchers and students around the several themes presently subject of a lively scientific debate.
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