looking for convener: EGU 2014 Pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits
From: Guilhem Amin Douillet <g.douillet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>looking for convener: EGU 2014 Pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits
Dear all,
A session on PYROCLASTIC AND VOLCANICLASTIC DEPOSITS was suggested for the next EGU 2014 general assembly, but is still orphan from any convener.
It is one of the only one dealing with pyroclastic deposits and it would be sad to have to withdraw it. Feel free to convene this session, change title and make a description as you want it. It just waits for you!
Any interest, please contact me (g.douillet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)!
Best regards,
Guilhem Douillet, on behalf of the EGU-SSP division
Guilhem Amin Douillet. MSc. Ing.
EGU science officer - Sedimentology
PhD Student - Sedimentology & Physical Volcanology
Ludwig Maximilians Universität
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